
Content Writing

Pillar4 & Three Ships Health

I'm so lucky that I got to work with Nicole! You are an up-for-anything, wildly creative, hard-working, intelligent writer who not only crafted expert content but did deep research, created custom methodologies using your medical background, and cheered on your team constantly.

Director, Head of Content

Nicole's health content stands out for its exceptional research depth and quality. Whether explaining metabolic processes or breaking down physical health concepts, Nicole is able to tackle any health topic with ease and empathy.

Nicole has a deep understanding of both medical content requirements and reader needs. This insight, combined with her enthusiasm for continuous improvement and commitment to evidence-based writing, makes her an exceptional health writer. Any organization seeking expert health content would benefit immensely from her expertise.

Senior Health Writer & Naturopathic Doctor 

Nicole is a powerhouse! We were health writers at Pillar4, and Nicole had the opportunity to use her background as a physical therapist to develop mattress testing methodologies. She created proprietary scores that helped people with limited mobility or chronic pain to quickly evaluate a mattress's suitability—something no one else on the internet had done, but was extremely helpful to our audience [...] While doing all of that, Nicole also churned out high-quality written reviews about not only mattresses, but also mobility products, hearing aids, and anything else the team needed to cover. She brought energy and positivity to the team and is super easy to get along with. If you have the opportunity to work with Nicole, you're working with one of the best people I've ever met.

Senior Health Writer

Clinical Care & Expertise

JACO Rehab & Integrative Soccer

JACO Kapolei was an amazing experience! Coming from someone that has already been to physical therapy before, this facility definitely surpassed my previous experience. JACO's physical therapists Nicole and Jamie were very informative, patient and friendly. Highly recommend if you're looking a clean, knowledgeable, welcoming experience.

Former Patient at JACO Rehab

The experience I had at JACO in Kapolei was above and beyond. My 3 therapist were Nicole Hernandez, Issac Aragon and Jamie Dominguez. My 1st appt was with Nicole in the afternoon. That night I had my 1st amazing painless sleep in years after my 1st therapy with Nicole.

Former Patient at JACO Rehab

Players love working with Coach Nicole. She's always organized and keeps tabs on each player's goals, so she's always building off their specific needs. She knows how to encourage the kids and keep them engaged, even when they're working on injury prevention drills that seem repetitive. And I always like how she prioritized parent communication. Talking with the parents isn't always necessary or expected with back-to-back sessions, but she makes it a point to connect with them, even for a minute. Some of her players have continued to MLS academies and D1 colleges. She's a brain, an empowerer, and a community builder.

Former Coach at Integrative Soccer